Reputed to be one of the oldest Bowling Greens in the country, Chesterfield Bowling Green is first mentioned in the 1600s although some date this back to the 1200s. It is situated on the western corner of New Beetwell Street and South Place on the opposite corner to Yeomans.
Below is footage of the Bowling Green in 1933.
Below is how the Bowling Green looks today. The Municipal Hall has gone and the clubhouse can be seen on the far side of the green. The new library now dominates the view.
Chesterfield’s Municipal Hall was built in 1847 on the site of the Old Hall. It was built 12 years after the passing of the Municipal Reform Act of 1835 and was used as a Council Chamber and Police Court. The building closed in 1965 and is now demolished. – See more at: http://jiscmediahub.ac.uk/record/display/061-oaiwwwculturegridorgukPictureThePast2249916;jsessionid=1EED77F18AE387BCD53E691AA67FB4E9?mhevent=related?mhevent=related#sthash.2TlyfVPN.dpuf
Chesterfield’s Municipal Hall was built in 1847 on the site of the Old Hall. It was built 12 years after the passing of the Municipal Reform Act of 1835 and was used as a Council Chamber and Police Court. The building closed in 1965 and is now demolished. – See more at: http://jiscmediahub.ac.uk/record/display/061-oaiwwwculturegridorgukPictureThePast2249916;jsessionid=1EED77F18AE387BCD53E691AA67FB4E9?mhevent=related?mhevent=related#sthash.2TlyfVPN.dpuf
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